Sunday, April 22, 2012

EXPOSED (Renovation #2)

It was demo week last week.  

Floors have been ripped up exposing what lies beneath. 
Drywall has been removed revealing wiring, ductwork, and piping. 
Supporting walls have been clearly identified. 
We now can see potential problems that will need to be addressed. 
A few things that looked good on the surface, proved to be handyman-fix-it-jobs underneath. 

As the layers were peeled back, our new home took on a new look.  It felt “exposed”.  Exposed down to its bare bones.  Exposed for both it’s strengths and weaknesses.   By doing this, however, we are able to get a more accurate quote as to what this renovation is truly going to cost.   Oh, we had a rough idea, of course… but we had to get down to the basic structure before we could find out if our dreams for this house would be worth it.  Worth the work.  Worth the cost.     

As expected, the demo was messy.  One could even argue whether it looks more like we gutted the place rather than a little renovation.  A stranger passing by, however, would never know.  The basic structure still looks the same.  Strong.  Solid.  The only giveaway at this point is the sign in the front yard identifying who the carpenter is.  

Not everyone will look at this house and see it’s beauty - it’s worth.  Eyeballs already have rolled.  Sure, it has its quirks.  Sure, it’s not the same as everyone else’s.  It even has an interesting history.   But we love it and feel it’s worth.  We believe it has potential.  Most of all, we feel God led us here.  

With demo finished this week, the rebuild begins.  It won’t be neat, clean and tidy either… but seeing our dreams and visions unfold for what this house could be has us filled with anticipation.  Even in its current state, we love sitting still behind this house – our new home – listening to the birds, dreaming of what could be, and taking time to just BE.

The Holy Spirit has been doing the same in my life.  I’ve asked Him to expose my problem areas, help me make sense of how I’m wired, show me where my strengths are… and reveal my weak points.  There are days when I feel like His work in me is more like gutting than renovating, but I’m filled with anticipation at what His dreams are for me.  What His vision is.  I know my basic structure is solid because I AM a child of God.  I know I am unique and beautiful in his eyes.  I am worthwhile to Him.  Worth His life.  

So how about you?? Are your walls down?? Have you spent time sitting STILL with the Holy Spirit, listening for HIS movement - HIS song - HIS guidance - HIS plan for you??  Have you asked Him to show you which areas in your life He wants to renovate??  Are you open to the possibility that some areas may need to be gutted??  Depending how much work needs to be done, demo may leave you feeling downright exposed.  Be ready for that.  But oh, my friends, what beauty awaits… your dreams come true… when left to the master carpenter.  

And He is that, isn't He.  

Saturday, April 7, 2012

It's Friday, BUT....

Yes, I'm well aware that it's Saturday.  But I heard a reference to this on the radio yesterday, looked it up this morning and feel it's worth sharing.

Easter has always been such a reason for celebration.  It's the foundation of our faith:  Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins and rose again from the dead to defeat the grave and offer us eternal LIFE with Him.  Hallelujah!!!  Rejoice with me!!!  I am SO thankful; so humbled.  But hearing these 5 simple words on the radio yesterday impacted me.

5 simple words of Easter.  
5 simple words of Easter for our every day lives.  
5 simple words of Easter that offer hope.  Endurance.  Promise.  
5 simple words of Easter that meet you where you are.  
5 simple words of Easter that will carry you through the valley's of life.

5 simple words:

It's Friday....

I hope you'll take 3-1/2 minutes to watch this clip.  Maybe there's a message in it for your life too.  

Happy Easter. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Taking... and Giving... POSSESSION (Renovation #1)

We recently purchased a new home.  Much to our surprise, it was an existing structure.  Our previous two homes were new builds - starting from the ground up - and that’s what we expected to happen this time as well.  But after searching and praying for a piece of land to build on, God clearly had something different in mind.  HE chose… a renovation.

We had closed on the house some time ago, but it was still occupied.  So when we finally got possession this week, it was a big deal.  FINALLY, we can get into the house freely.  FINALLY, the contractor can begin to tear into it and see what’s behind the walls… what stays; what goes.  FINALLY, we can lay the blueprint out on the counter and dream.    

FINALLY… real work can begin. 

As I pondered this sense of relief at finally taking possession of our new house, it occurred to me that God must feel much the same way about me.  How long have there been barriers to His work in my life?   How long has He been wanting to bust into the walls I'd constructed to reveal what should stay and what needs to go?   How long as He just been itchin’ to show me the blueprint of His dreams for my life?  

FINALLY… He has full possession of me.  

FINALLY… He holds the sole set of keys to my heart.

FINALLY… real work can begin.   

There’s a lot of renovating to be done in this house.  But it has a good solid structure and the setting offers the peace we've been longing for.   I’m ready to dig in.  I'll let you in on a little secret though - I don't think this house is the only thing being renovated.   

Join me on the journey.  A journey of renovation.