Saturday, May 5, 2012


I was up at 2 a.m. last night.  Couldn’t sleep again.  Read a couple chapters in my awesome book “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan… and was starting to get drowsy.  As I rolled over in an effort to wrap my arms around my husband – a simple act of intimacy – something was in the way.  A pillow.  Not just a little one either… a king-size pillow that he had his standard tight grip on.   I could hardly see him under it.

I tried wrapping my arms around the pillow AND him, but you know what?? There is ZERO intimacy in that.  I tried wedging my arms between him and the pillow, but there really wasn’t room for me.    

I lay there and grinned as God nudged me on this.

How often is God longing for intimacy with ME… but I have a death grip on something I’m holding on to??  There’s a difference between simply knowing He’s there – and truly experiencing the intimacy of His presence.   For TRUE intimacy, we need to surrender all that we’re hanging on to.  Nothing can stand in the way between us and our God.  Nothing.

Think about your own relationship with God.  Do you feel Him at an intimate level?? Be honest with yourself here.  Does it feel like something’s in the way??  Something so big you can hardly see yourself behind it - or maybe a few small things you clumsily hang on to??  Ask His Holy Spirit to reveal it to you.  And when He does, release it – lay it down – and open your arms wide to freely embrace Him. 

Stop whatever you’re doing and just ponder this for one minute.  Ponder the fact that the God of this amazing universe wants INTIMACY with YOU!!!  He wants MORE than just you knowing He’s "there for you".  He wants MORE than just church on Sunday and quiet times during the week.  He wants more than random acts of kindness.  He wants INTIMACY… in the purest sense of the word. 

Do you really want to miss out on that??  On ANY part of what that means??

I don’t…