Do you think it's on purpose???
Was He intentional??
OR is it purely coincidental that SO many things in nature reflect our walk with God??
Possibly it's just the way my quirky brain works, I don't know.
But it makes me WONDER... once again.
It was the cactus this time. While wandering through the deserts of Arizona, looking at what I call the "people cactus" dotting the dry, arid and brown landscape, I couldn't help but think of the Israelites... and our own personal deserts.
Something I learned this past year while attending a series by Ray VanderLaan ( was that God left his people wander in the desert for 40 years for a reason. The reason wasn't so much to get them out of Egypt (because there certainly were shorter routes), but to get Egypt... out of them. That was powerful to me. What HAD been just another Old Testament story, really came alive. The reality that God still does that today with His people. With us. When we need it, He brings us out into our own deserts... to draw us closer to Him. And I knew He was doing it... with ME.
Nothing much grows in a desert, does it. From what I remember of biology class, the only way a cactus survives is by storing up water in it's core. As I rode by all those "people cactus", I wondered if it wasn't the same for us. When God brings us out into the desert of our own lives, the ONLY way we will survive is by soaking Him up.... the Living Water. And He loves us enough to keep us there until we do.
So what do you think??
Do you think it's on purpose??
Was He intentional??
Hhhmmm.... I WONDER.
Thanks for wandering with me a bit.
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