Saturday, January 28, 2012


I have a quick question for you today.  But first, spend a few quiet moments going back in your heart to people/things that you are completely head-over-heels in love with (past & present).

Is (was) it a romantic relationship??  Possibly you're seeing the faces of your children.  Or maybe your thoughts even include the big puppy dog eyes of a favorite pet.

Are you there??  Got all those head pictures and emotions rounded up??  Is your heart swooning??

Now ask yourself this honestly:


Is your heart overflowing??  Are you giddy with excitement anticipating the next time you meet Him?? Are you glowing visibly??  Do you find yourself babbling uncontrollably about Him??

Sure, sometimes love is a decision.  A commitment.  A choice.   But if your honest answer to the above question left you feeling slightly "flatline"...  if a sense of "duty and commitment"was your dominant reaction... or if you "know about Him" more than you "know Him"... I'm here to tell you that there is SO MUCH MORE!!  It IS possible to fall head-over-heels in love with our Jesus!!    

One thing I've learned and experienced over the past couple years is that no matter if you're male or female... Jesus Christ desires a "sacred romance" with us.  He desires that we literally fall in love with Him.  He wants MORE than the dutiful feelings that come with settling for a "show up on Sunday and do good deeds" type approach to our faith.  How cool is that!!!!

If you desire to take things to a more intimate level with your Saviour... TELL HIM so!!
Ask Him to show you how.
Ask Him to show up in your day today.... and then watch for Him.
Ask Him to speak to you through Christian music... and then listen for Him.
Talk to Him intimately from your heart when you pray... and spend time in silence to hear what He's saying back.
Get to know Him better by reading books by reputable authors.
Dive into HIS book with a childlike openness.
If you don't already, try praying out loud!!
Ask His Spirit to actively move in you.
Spontaneously tell Him "I Love You!" throughout your day.  

Well now... I'm chuckling.  This post was intended to be a simple one-line question.  HA!  I guess I got carried away and started babbling again.  I can't help it though....

I'M IN LOVE!!!!  

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